For a smart logistics: our Cloud WMS

A complete system, inclusive of all the services, including the licences and maintenance costs, yours with a monthly lease. Convenient conditions for reliablility and for an intuitive system. For SMEs, companies with easier logistical flows or companies that approach these solutions for the first time, our Cloud WMS platform is the perfect “all inclusive” solution

With the new Mobile Console, Gulliver is also available in mobility

Access to information independent from the user and data position

Activities overview always up-to-date

Rapid and immediate fruition


Plan the activities and reduce the impact of the operational costs

The Gulliver suite Labor Management allows to plan the activities and the warehouse resources, by guaranteeing a constant performance control and by reducing the operational costs impact. The result is an active system that know the activities to develop and pre-emptively translates them in times and number of necessary resources for the procedures execution

It plans the resources depending on the work loading It plans the resources depending on the work loading
It constantly controls the activities development It constantly controls the activities development
It supervises the operational costs It supervises the operational costs
You reduce the activity’s errors and interruptions You reduce the activity’s errors and interruptions

Per gestire in modo ottimale magazzini, risorse, spedizioni e consegne.

La piattaforma di Supply Chain Collaboration per interagire con clienti, fornitori e trasportatori.

Il software progettato per pianificare e ottimizzare i viaggi e gestire i costi di trasporto.

A supporto degli operatori per ottimizzare le prestazioni e ridurre gli errori di movimentazione.

Introducing in the warehouse the Gulliver WMS you can develop your activity: the result is a drastic reduction of the errors risks and a reinforcement of the firm performance capacity. Gulliver introduces rational job logics, guiding day by day the activity and showing the operators the appropriate operative strategies in every situation. You have clear and up to date data of the warehouse state, because the software manages and controls all the orders preparation and shipping process. This way, your operators have the control on every single activity and are warned on time in case of potential criticality, with the possibility to start corrective actions

Ask for information!
Contact us and ask for a demo.

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